Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Alcohol abuse is a major problem here in PNG. Binge drinking is the normal pattern, drink driving is rampant, and violence and sexual assault against women is some of the worst in any developing country and much of it is alcohol fueled. So I may have thought I was going to do some pleasure reading and maybe join up with the sailing club, but yesterday I ended up talking about alcohol and health and experiences in the US at an alcohol conference here in Port Moresby (a couple people didn't show up so they asked if I could fill in for 10-15 minutes! I had 5 minutes to prepare.). Today is all about the problem with alcohol and youth in PNG so I'll be there again all day and I have a number of meetings set up with people such as the head of the mental health section of the Department of Health and the Chief Magistrate of the city. So much for "easing in" to the situation here in PNG!

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